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Harnessing the Data Revolution: Toward a Coherent and Sustainable Ecosystem

The overaching goal of the HDR Ecosystem Conference series is to empower a coherent and sustainable HDR Ecosystem that is much more than the sum of its parts through synergistic activities and the sharing of experiences, perspectives, and planning

2024 Conference Objectives

This conference has the following objectives:

  1. Build and strengthen productive, inclusive, and positive relationships within the HDR ecosystem and the broader data-intensive research community.
  2. Provide a forum to share accomplishments, goals and plans of HDR ecosystem entities.
  3. Assess current and planned cross-cutting activities that address shared challenges and seek new opportunities to sustain and grow the HDR ecosystem and advance data-intensive research'.
  4. Assess the landscape of institutes, projects and activities within data science, AI, industry and infrastructure to advance a vision of how the HDR ecosystem is an integral part of a broader coherent ecosystem of AI and data-intensive research.
  5. Formally launch the HDR Machine Learning Challenge.
  6. Develop an HDR Community Position Paper with outcomes from the conference and planned activities.